Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Hills and Things

 And here we are. Blog post number one.

  As it goes, I'm terrible at talking about myself. I can tell you that I like photography and animals and listening to music and watching movies, that I have absolutely no idea what I want to do with my life or where I want to go to college, but do know that I am in love with art and traveling and a variety of other things that are as random as they are numerous.

  If I was feeling metaphorical, I would say that I see my immediate future as a road that goes steadily up a hill until it disappears over the peak, where it can either sharply descend into an abyss of "OH MY GOD WHAT AM I GOING TO DO WITH MY LIFE" or carry on down the other side and wind away amicably through the rest of my existence on this earth. (In which I'll presumably get a job and eat a lot food and spend time with family and friends and the internet and my never-ending pile of unread books.)

  This blog is my attempt at cataloging the experience of the climb up that hill. At the end of this year, my gap year, I suppose we'll find out whether or not it leads to an abyss of doom or a windy road of tolerable normality.


 It might be a combination of both. Who knows? That's why I'm here, writing on my laptop on my bed with my cat snoring all over my keyboard (it's a miracle that I can even type).

 Be warned, there will be a lot of photography, music, rambling, puns, and self-discovery on this blog. If you're along for the ride, buckle your seat belts, brace yourselves for some inevitable bad jokes, and enjoy the madness!

 Until next time...

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."
Lao Tzu, Chinese philosopher

Song of the day: 
Matt Corby - Brother 


1 comment

  1. So glad I caught the bus at the first stop! I am ready to travel along with you. Thank you, this is wonderful!


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