Wednesday, June 11, 2014


I suppose writing about a haircut might be a sign of creative constipation, but really, it's not a self-indulgence thing. It happens to relate, on one level or another, to the real topic of this post, which is change. 

(Plus, my hair never looks as good as it does after I get it cut and styled, so I mostly want photographic evidence that my hair does, in fact, obey the laws of gravity every once in a while.)

I'm going to be a freshman in college this fall. I'm starting a year later than I conventionally would have had I gone right after I graduated high school, but I have thoroughly enjoyed my gap year. It wasn't an extended vacation, contrary to popular belief. I travelled, interned, volunteered and worked, made new friends, and grew as a person and an artist...and I still have a couple months to do more! 

Honestly, it is going to be a bit weird to transition from having the most flexible schedule in the world to suddenly having classes, homework, tests, and train schedules to think about on top of everything else that I do. But, hey, education is important. I gained a lot of practical experience this year, what with managing my time, branching out to different areas of photography, and learning how to interact with clients. Now it's time for me to learn the rest.  

I'll be nineteen next month, which is another interesting change. Not that anything is really changing all that much; I'll just be a year older. But still, that makes me a year away from two decades of existence, which is pretty cool, even if I spent the first couple pooping my pants and using crying to communicate. I like to think I've grown since then. 

And, yes, I also got a haircut. It's rather ironic that I spent years growing my hair out long only to chop it off again, but I chalk it up to my inherent need for change. As Sherlock Holmes says, "my mind rebels at stagnation", but comes alive when presented with anything new. It could be a book, a person, a place, a culture, a movie, a website--anything. Some intrinsic part of me comes alive and does cartwheels of joy at the prospect of learning about and exploring something new. 

Well, fortunately for me, times are a-changing, and I will have plenty of new experiences come fall. 

Until next time.

"It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all. In which case, you fail by default."
– J.K. Rowling

Song of the day:
All I Want - Kodaline 

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