Monday, December 23, 2013

Rain and Snow

I probably overuse the word "lovely", but it's the perfect way to describe the past few days in the wintery mountains of Big Bear. I used to come up every Thanksgiving and Christmas when I was younger, so I have a lot of fond childhood memories of spending time here. Every time I visit with my family, whether it's camping in the summer or if we make it up here for the holidays, I feel like I'm returning to my home away from home. 

We're staying in a cabin that is very clearly inhabited by elderly people for the rest of the year; the lace doilies and eclectic decor point very firmly in that direction. For some reason, I haven't been sleeping very well, but that's what caffeine is for, right? That's why, for the second day in a row, I'm energizing myself with a yummy white mocha from a cute coffee shop in The Village. (What can I say? I'm a sucker for cute coffee shops!) I'm normally a tea person, but sometimes coffee and chocolate hits the spot. I think I was inspired by the chilly winter air.

There is a light dusting of snow, probably from the heavy rainfall that we got the other day; not enough to build a snowman, but enough for a snowball fight! And it still feels like winter. The sky is clear and blue, and the air is chilly and carries a subtle scent of pine. I love the air in Big Bear. There's something so crisp and fresh about it that rejuvenates the soul. 

I can't believe tomorrow is Christmas Eve! It seems like this whole year has been zooming by, but now that it's my favorite season I want time to slow down a little so I can enjoy the cold and the Christmas lights and the pine tree smell and the cheer of the holidays. I know as a native Californian I should probably live for the warmer seasons, but that's not the case. The colder and the drearier, the better! 

Speaking of cold and dreary, we had a rainy day the other day. Oh, it was marvelous. I suppose now is a good time to confess that I am a terrible southern Californian; I almost never go to the beach, I prefer the cool safety of a cafe or bookshop to the heat of the sun, and I rebel against the temperate climate by wearing layers all year around. Oh, well. I feel like some people are meant to live by the coast with the sun and the sea, and some are happier in the mountains with trees and clouds and rain. I fall into the latter category. Since rainy days are so few and far between, I always celebrate them by baking something, so bake something I did!

Mom and I made pistachio raspberry muffins and chocolate almond toffee. The muffins disappeared almost overnight, but we still have a tin of toffee to enjoy at the cabin. We'll be leaving tomorrow and heading home to celebrate Christmas day, but I'm so glad my we managed to spend time together in Big Bear for a few days, just like old times. It'll be good to go home after this, celebrate the holidays, and get together with my friends before we all part ways again, them to college, and me to my usual gap year shenanigans. There's a lot to look forward to in 2014. I hope it's as full of adventure and new experiences as 2013 has been!

"I like it when it rains hard. It sounds like white noise everywhere, which is like silence but not empty."
 — Mark Haddon, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time

Song of the Day:
Long Way Off, Gungor

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